Sermons by Rev. Sharon Dalrymple
Being Apostles
Photo by Jared Erondu

Tonight I would like to share one of many theological theories regarding the idea that God had a master plan at creation, and how the manner of death, burial and resurrection of Jesus was an integral part of that plan. This theory says that God, being omniscient and knowing that man would sin and perish without divine help, had prepared a plan for salvation for us to be reconciled with God. This salvation was to be through the death and…

Jesus Wept
John 11:1-45 Personally, I have two favorite bible verses that I would like to share with you. Through the years, I have found that these two verses have the ability to either give me goosebumps or make me to tear up, or actually sometimes, cause me to do both. The first of the two we heard last year, year “C” in our Episcopal Lectionary. The verse comes from Luke in his account of the Passion of Christ. Two thieves are…

1 CORINTHIANS 3: 1-9 Holy One, let my words be clear to those who listen to them as they come from my heart. In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Hey, check out the palace on the top of hill—what a view! We are fortunate to have a roof over our heads when there are so many sleeping in the streets. And look what’s out in front of that palace. …

The Reign of Christ
THE REIGN OF CHRIST John 18:33-37 Last Sunday in Pentecost Year B November 22, 2015 Rev. Sharon G. Dalrymple May Jesus the Christ, Lord of Lord and King of Kings be present with us here in this moment, and may the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in His sight. On our liturgical calendar, today is celebrated as “Christ the King day”. I was thinking about “kings” doing some research for this sermon…