A Beginners Guide to Creation Care and the Climate Crisis

A Beginners Guide to Creation Care and the Climate Crisis

Watch this 2-minute introduction to the Beginner’s Guide series:

Session 1: What Is Climate Change and What Are Its Consequences?

This first session will help you to understand the human-created causes of climate change and the effect it is having and will continue to have on our lives. The study guide places this within the context of other disasters that humanity experienced in the Scriptures.

Session 2: How Do Christians See Creation? How We See God Shapes Our Actions.

Week two introduces different ways that Christians have viewed Creation and suggests that we need to re-envision the way we think about ourselves and God in order to make our faith a potent force in responding to climate change. Supplementary materials offer a more in-depth look at Scriptural understandings of creation. 

Session 3: What’s a Christian to Do About Climate Change?

Session three invites reflection on the many ways individuals and their households can relate with greater care to their environment and think about the effects of our actions.

Session 4: What Can We Do as a Congregation?

The way we live our common life of prayer in faith community effects everything we do and think. In this session the group is invited to consider how their congregation can be more “green” and more attentive to Creation.

Session 5: How Are We Called to Be Public Advocates for Climate Health?

The Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas discusses the various ways that Christians can make their voices heard in the public square in order to encourage public policy which support the flourishing of God’s good Creation.

Glossary: This downloadable handout provides quick definitions for terms, both scientific and theological which may be unfamiliar for some people

Quick Start Guide:  Some thoughts on how to use the material

Flyer and Intro Video: You can use these as part of your publicity
