Sermons from August 2023

Who do you say that I am?

We encounter a shift in the flow of Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday and hear Jesus talk about all the people and profits others say Jesus may be, but the important question to his disciples and us was, who do you say that I am? As we move through our own lives as followers of Christ, what stories and narratives do we craft of who Jesus was, is, and continues to be in our lives?

Cultivating Mercy

Mercy! Mercy is something that is in short supply today. Mercy is showing compassion or forgiveness towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or ignore. Mercy is an act of kindness that springs forth from a generous heart.

The Dark Night of the Soul

I don’t know what storms you and your loved ones are facing, what darkness you and your loved ones feel surrounded by, but I do know this: before you even have the chance to pray, “Lord, save me,” Jesus is already by your side, holding you up, so you can walk back to the boat together.

The fog and transformation

This Sunday is the feast day of the Transfiguration. How do we continue to follow Jesus through our own times of fog and discernment? Luke’s Gospel and rooted connections with our community help show us the way.


the Spirit is calling me to talk about us today – our life together as a parish community – during this transitional moment in time that St. Benedict’s finds itself in. So that’s what I’m going to do.