Sermons by Rev. Dr. Caroline Hall (Page 4)

The Kiss of God

We are grounded in the energy stream of the church which experiences God as one-in-three. I riff on St Bernard of Clauvaux’s idea that God is the kisser, Christ is the kissed and the Holy Spirit is the kiss – so we are filled with the kiss of God.

Ascension, and This Week’s News

David Brooks writes in the New York Times ” How much will the pummeling act of experiencing the news these days lead to empathy erosion? Where will the forces of re-humanization come from?” The Church is called to be that re-humanizing force as the ascended Cosmic Christ lives through us, the Body of Christ.

Coming Home

God comes to us as an honored guest, making their home in our hearts until we realize that we are invited to make our homes in God’s heart.

Resurrection, here and now

What if the spiritual realm is where everything is really happening and we are living a temporary existence in which the spiritual keeps breaking though rather like a daffodil breaking through the soil in the spring? And what if resurrection has totally happened on a spiritual level and is trying to break through and manifest in our lives every moment?

The Foolishness of Christ Crucified

In some way which we cannot fathom, Christ crucified goes directly to the heart of the darkness of the human condition, and turns everything inside out, making it right – bringing the Christ light to the heart of darkness.

Recognizing God

Mary Magdalene did not recognize Jesus until he spoke to her. We often miss God because we expect God’s voice to be bigger or more cosmic, yet if God is as close as our breath then God’s voice may be as quiet as our breath. The amazing thing about the resurrection is how it shows us God’s unquenchable, astonishing love. Let us decide to live every day in the full knowledge of that love.