Posts by St Ben's Web Administrator (Page 25)

Why do we use Blue during Advent?

Advent means “coming or arrival,” and the reason for the season is anticipation and preparation for the birth of the Christ child and His second coming. In the early church, however, it was a time for candidates to prepare for church membership. After the fourth century, it became a time for preparation for Christmas, and penitence was added as a standard for the whole church in the Middle Ages! Now, many Christian churches are again shifting the emphasis of Advent…

Bishop Mary calls us to be Values Based

Examining our values can inspire us to change. Such an examination can call us to deeper integrity, intention and spiritual practice. Such reflection keeps us close to the foundation of who God calls us to be as members of the Body of Christ. As we seek to live more deeply into the values we understand as Christian, we take on the likeness of Christ. We take on the mind of Christ. We embody the values of our faith in the…

The New Tabernacle

by Pamela Bleisch On Sunday April 19th, at the 10:30 service, the congregation consecrated a new Tabernacle. The Tabernacle is a small cabinet that sits on the altar, to hold the reserved sacrament. A portion of the consecrated bread is set aside after communion has been received; this reserved sacrament can be taken to the ill or housebound, so they can share in the Eucharistic feast. Anne Kanter created two stained glass panels for the Tabernacle, and Bill Hayes crafted…