Sermons from November 2022

Be Ready!

The central theme of Advent is to be ready for Jesus’ coming whether in Bethlehem or in the clouds. Readiness is putting on the armor of light which requires deep inner work as well as practical expression in the way we live.

The transformation of Suffering

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, oh Holy one. For those of you that may not know, I am a cancer survivor.  I was diagnosed at 19 with a brain tumor, and it has been a very integral part of my life and spiritual journey.  I mentioned one of my recurrences in a previous sermon.  It’s been a long journey so gives me a lot of material to work with.…

Living to the praise of the glory of God

Good morning Saints of God! I have always loved All Saints. That is at least partly because my childhood church was All Saints and made a big thing of its patronal festival. I remember the priest wearing special clothes and processions around the church. But also I love the specialness of being a saint. Yes we think of saints as people who had visions and who did amazing things and around whose relics miracles happened, but that is rather a…