Events (Page 8)

Events (Page 8)

Lovingkindness – A Conversation

Join us for a new Spiritual Conversation starting October 12th for four weeks. This will be based on the book Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg. “In this inspiring book, Sharon Salzberg, one of America’s leading spiritual teachers, shows us how the Buddhist path of lovingkindness can help us discover the radiant, joyful heart within each of us. This practice of lovingkindness is revolutionary because it has the power to radically change our lives, helping us cultivate true happiness…

The Dream of God – A Conversation

Starting on September 7th, the Tuesday Spiritual Conversation group will base its conversation on the book The Dream of God by Verna Dozier. There are five chapters and each one will form the basis for one week’s conversation, focused by Carol Brubaker-Walton. Everyone is welcome to join in, even if you don’t have time to read the book. Conversations take place on Tuesdays at 10:15 on Zoom. You can meet Verna in this very short video:  You can read about her life here:…

The Way Home

You are invited to a virtual screening of two episodes of @TheWayHomeDocSeries, season 2, a documentary created with support from @KPThrive that explores solutions to the #HousingForHealth crisis in California and beyond. Join us here: (pw: snowy)  About the Series Without a safe place to call home, it’s nearly impossible to focus on basic health and medical needs. As rates of housing insecurity amid COVID-19 steadily increase, people experiencing homelessness face heightened health risks. Now, more than ever, housing…

Live Facilitated Sessions:
Beginner’s Guide to Creation Care & the Climate Crisis

Join us for five, live facilitated discussions of the “Beginner’s Guide to Creation Care and the Climate Crisis” We invite all persons of faith to join in the series via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. PDT, on Thursdays from September 9 to October 7. Sessions include bible reflections, short videos, and discussion. Explore: What’s driving climate change, How we can think anew about God’s call to be good stewards, Concrete steps we can take at home, church, and…

Juneteenth – A Conversation on Race

On Thursday, Juneteenth was made a Federal holiday! Juneteeth celebrates the end to legal slavery in this country. You can find a lot more about it at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. St. Ben’s will be celebrating with an evening of thinking about race and the role it plays in society. More than 150 years after the June 19 1865 announcement we still have a deeply unequal society… this is not the reign of God, the beloved community where…

Renewing the Process of Creation

Beginning Thursday, June 3rd, John Horsley will be leading four week on-line book study based on “Renewing the Process of Creation” by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson. This book draws on process theology, Judaism and science to consider the meaning of Creation, and humanity’s role as steward and partner in Creation. From the publisher: In this daring blend of Jewish theology, science and Process Thought, theologian Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson fleshes out an appreciation of creation in the light of science that allows…


An online presentation on the work of Cristosal, an organization which works to advance human rights in Central America through rights-based research, learning, and programming. Kathy Veit, the vice=president of the Cristosal Board of Directors will be speaking at the regular deanery meeting. The meeting starts at 2pm on Zoom, her presentation will be at about 2:15pm. Join here.

Prayers for the Planet and Brown Bag

Please consider joining us for a short noontime prayer meeting led by the St. Benedict’s Earthcare group, followed by a slide presentation and conversation led by Bill Shreve of St. Timothy’s, Mountain View. Please feel free to bring your lunch! Join us on Zoom.

Sacred Ground — what we can do for healthy soils and a healthy planet

Topics and presenters:1. How we manage our lands and grow our foods can heal the planet. Role of regenerative agriculture, Tim LaSalle, co-founder, Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems, Adjunct Professor of Agriculture, CSU Chico2. What we can do in our own backyards. Examples from local growers: Teresa “Tree” Lees, garden educator3. What we can do to expand healthy soils for carbon sequestration to heal the planet. Legislative advocacy, Greg Haas, District Representative, Congressman Salud Carbajal  (CA 24th District,…

Beauty – the invisible embrace

A conversation based on John O’Donohue’s book Beauty, the Invisible Embrace – rediscovering the true source of compassion, serenity and hope. Tuesday mornings starting April 13 at 10:15. From the publisher, “O’Donohue opens our eyes, hearts and minds to the wonder of our own relationship with beauty. Rather than “covering” this theme, he uncovers it, exposing the infinity and mystery of its breadth. His words return us home to the dignity of silence, the profundity of stillness, the power of…